ACA Lifecycle Management

As ACA experts, we understand the complexities and challenges that come with managing Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliance. ACA Reporter is designed to simplify the process, reduce risk, and ensure your organization remains compliant throughout the ACA lifecycle.

ACA Lifecycle
Comprehensive ACA Solution

Empowering Your Organization with ACA Reporter

By choosing ACA Reporter, you are investing in a comprehensive solution that supports you throughout the entire ACA lifecycle. Our software empowers you to:

Automate payroll and enrollment data for accurate reporting
Monitor compliance through intuitive dashboards
Prepare for open enrollment with ease
Generate and distribute 1095 forms efficiently
Seamlessly e-file 1094 forms

Real-Time Insights with Intuitive Dashboards

Our software streamlines the ACA compliance process by automating payroll data and enrollment data, providing you with real-time insights through our intuitive dashboards. These dashboards give you a clear overview of your organization's compliance status, including:

  • 95% Rule compliance for the organization and each individual location
  • New employees finishing initial measurements
  • Part-time employees trending to full-time
  • All employees who have not received the necessary offers
  • Automated list of all employees who require an offer

open enrollment

Simplified Open Enrollment Preparation

ACA Reporter simplifies the process of preparing for open enrollment by providing you with the tools and information you need to make informed decisions. Our software generates automated lists of employees who require offers and those who have not yet received the necessary offers. This ensures that no employee falls through the cracks and helps you maintain compliance with ease.


Effortless 1095 Form Generation and Distribution

When it comes to 1095 form generation and distribution, ACA Reporter has you covered. Our software makes it easy to generate and distribute these forms to your employees, saving you time and effort. Additionally, our seamless 1094 e-filing process ensures that your forms are filed accurately and on time, further reducing the risk of potential penalties.

Want to learn more?

Contact us today!

We are committed to providing you with the tools and support you need to navigate the complexities of ACA compliance. With ACA Reporter, you can have confidence in your compliance status year-round so you can focus on what matters most.